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Overwhelmed by everything there is to know about Bitcoin?

We get it. Not everyone is an accomplished economist or a software engineer. Even fewer are both. But that’s okay, we’ve all had to start from square one…or should I say Block 0?

We’re a few guys who have spent some time learning about the economic and technical sides of Bitcoin. We’re not anything special—we don’t have specific training in either field, but we truly believe we can pass along our knowledge to you.

The best time to learn about Bitcoin was the first time you heard about it. The second best time is right now. There’s no need to rush yourself: it’s never too late to get into Bitcoin. Give us your email address and we’ll give you tidbits of Bitcoin information a few times a week. We’ll put it in a way that anyone can understand and give you time to let each concept marinate. You’ll be cooking sooner than you think.